Last light on the longest day of the year

June 20, 2012

Almost perfect ending to the longest day of the year (June 20, 2012). Almost? Because those awesome rain clouds in background just missed us, and we NEED rain! (NOTE: click any image to enlarge)

stormy sunset with dogs, woman and beer

Perfect in every other way

closeup of Potosi Brewery's Steamboat Shandy

Great Shandy–better than the others (local and not) I’ve tried. Click to enlarge photo.

(those of you not in this area should know we have been without rain for a long time now).

Hey, what’s the awesome beer you’re drinking (you ask)? Well, it’s the best shandy I’ve tasted yet (already mixed shandy that is, since you already know–Mom–that the best shandies are made with “regular” beer and real lemonade that you physically mix together yourself). It’s Potosi‘s Steamboat Shandy. Not only does it taste great, but I just noticed on the label that it says All Profits to Charity. That’s awesome! Wait, all?!? Is that even possible??! I think this calls for a trip and tour of Potosi Brewery to find out, sometime soon 🙂

Where’s the boy(s) you ask? Right here. Chillin’…

man and his dogs relaxing in evening light


…and guardin’:

Little rat-jack terrier sits in lap and looks out for possible coyotes

Dex is on high alert watchin’ for coyotes. So far, he’s always the first to spot them coming from the west.

woman smiles and scratches small dog
Favorite place in the world to be…
Zuzu, jack-rat terrier lies in grass

…at home with the family–relaxing after a run, and AFTER several weeks/months of hard-core production on The Tunnel of Mortality (currently at Artisan Gallery, Paoli, WI), with the install behind me…

Here’s my girl (at right), sort of on the lookout too. She’s better at seeing small bugs, microscopic critters and possibly invisible beings.

And the fireflies came out before the light disappeared completely:
firefly in dark field

Pretty perfect evening.