Favorite Tweet at the “Science Writing in the Age of Denial” conference…

April 24, 2012

Copernicus guy (engraving)@Jiddy7 says: “Good morning…. Dick Clark has died. Now we can’t ring in the New Year anymore. Well played, Mayans, well played.”

Here’s the conference site (that I got to design–the vintage engravings are from Copernicus’ Theory of Heliocentricity):

Kathryn Polk at the UW!

April 18, 2012

Kathryn Polk (in apron), my hero, is in town this week, printing some lithos at the UW (I get to help on Thursday!). Here she is printing with Drew Iwaniw. The keyline (black) stone is in the foreground.
Kathryn Polk printing at UW

New woodcut

April 16, 2012

Based on the story from when Gracie adopted P-Biddy and brought her into the flock…
woodcut of peahen guarding young peafowl
Peahen On Guard
37in x 26in
Woodcut on Rives Heavyweight

Side benefit to teaching artists’ books…

April 9, 2012

…I get to make lots of prototypes of book forms in many stages with which to teach students how to bind different types of books. Plus, a Fun with Book Forms! broadside, used as book cloth, small cards, clamshell box wrapper…. I’ll show those later, but for now, just the broadside, and a very small (soon-after-this-photo–leather bound) book sewn on cords. Done this past February and March along with a number of other books, boxes, prints that I’ll post after the latest deadline is past…

tiny book sewn on cords

Book measures about 3in x 2in | I really like the textures in this (click on image to enlarge). Almost sorry to cover it up with leather. Almost.

Fun With Book Forms broadside

'Fun With Book Forms!' | 22in x 17in | 3-color letterpress printed on French's Construction